Despite the central role of debriefing and feedback in healthcare and simulation-based education, educators often find it difficult to keep up to date on advances that would help improve their practice. Which methods work and in which settings? What empiric studies support debriefing in healthcare education? What do the experts think about newly published papers? Will new findings change their debriefing practice? What are future research directions in our field? Locating, accessing, and sifting through key resources has traditionally been challenging for many educators. Well, no longer…!
As passionate simulation educators and researchers, we know our peers in the simulation community crave easily accessible resources to support their debriefing practice and guidance in translating these principles to the clinical arena. Some educators strive to develop their colleagues’ debriefing skills, some look for tools to support peer feedback, while others may desire checklists to facilitate co-debriefing. Local education leaders need the most recent evidence on effective debriefing and feedback practices to prepare their own presentations. Researchers seek like-minded collaborators interested in advancing simulation and healthcare education science through debriefing research.
We have designed with both educators and researchers in mind. This website will eventually be a comprehensive, one-stop resource for everything related to debriefing and feedback in healthcare education—and it will all be free to access. Internationally recognized experts in the field comprise our advisory board, who will help shape the content, format, and future direction of this website. Our collaborators are well-published leaders and innovators in the field who also share their ideas and expertise through presentations and workshops presented around the world. To improve access to research, the research page lists relevant debriefing and feedback articles published by our team members. Each article can be accessed in a number ways: a link to PubMed, link to source journal, or a free PDF link (or a ResearchGate link to request a free PDF when this is not readily available). To assist with translating and using our research in your own setting, we offer resources and other helpful content, such as PDFs of our workshop slides and presentations. To help you follow our research, we offer links to each paper’s Altmetric page (which provides links to online discussion about the research), a link to articles that cite our research, relevant blogs to innovative ideas, as well as social media accounts (@debrief2learn on Twitter) to keep you updated on the latest work. Finally, podcasts will feature leading international experts discussing recent papers in our field.
We have developed Debrief2Learn for you! Let us know if you’d like to get involved. You can contribute content (eg. Blogpost), collaborate in research, or become a team member. We’d love to hear from you!