The Research
The Debrief2Learn Team strives to conduct research and develop resources that will enhance debriefing to improve learner and patient outcomes. Our research is organized into 8 key areas below which were largely authored by members of the Debrief2Learn team.
The art and science of debriefing in simulation: Ideal and practice (Dieckmann, 2009)
This paper describes the practice of debriefing based on interactions between instructors and participants.
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Investigating novice doctors’ reflections in debriefing (Kihlgren, 2014)
This study explores the degree of reflection during debriefing after simulation in novice doctors.
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How Cultural-Historical Activity Theory can Inform Interprofessional Team Debriefings (Eppich, 2015)
This paper describes how cultural-historical activity theory offers a complementary conceptual framework when used in conjunction with existing debriefing practices.
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“Thinking on your feet”—a qualitative study of debriefing practice (Krogh, 2016)
This qualitative study explores self-reported practices of expert debriefers.
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Debriefing for technology-enhanced simulation: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Cheng, 2014)
This study reviews the debriefing literature, describes how debriefing is reported, and highlights features of effective debriefing.
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Briefing and debriefing during simulation-based training and beyond: Content, structure, attitude and setting (Kolbe, 2015)
This paper provides an overview of the debriefing literature, with a focus on content, structure, attitude and setting.
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More Than One Way to Debrief: A Critical Review of Healthcare Simulation Debriefing Methods (Sawyer, 2016)
This critical review examines the timing, facilitation, conversational structures and process elements used in healthcare simulation debriefing.
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Looking in the mirror: Self-debriefing versus instructor debriefing for simulated crises (Boet, 2011)
This study compares the effectiveness of self-debriefing to instructor-led debriefing in anesthesiology training.
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Adaptation of the US Army’s After-Action Review for simulation debriefing in healthcare (Sawyer, 2013)
This paper describes the practice of debriefing based on interactions between instructors and participants.
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TeamGAINS: a tool for structured debriefings for simulation-based team trainings (Kolbe, 2013)
This study describes TeamGAINS, a hybrid structured debriefing tool for simulation-based team debriefings.
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Within-team debriefing versus instructor-led debriefing for simulation-based education: a randomized controlled trial (Boet, 2013)
This study compares within team debriefing to instructor-led debriefing for healthcare simulation education.
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The relationship between facilitators’ questions and the level of reflection in postsimulation debriefing (Husebo, 2013)
This study explores the depth of reflection expressed in questions by facilitators and the associated responses from students during the debriefing.
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Promoting Excellence and Reflective Learning in Simulation (PEARLS): Development and Rationale for a Blended Approach to Health Care Simulation Debriefing (Eppich, 2015)
This paper describes PEARLS, a blended approach to debriefing including directive feedback, learner self-assessment, and focused facilitation.
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Structuring Feedback and Debriefing to Achieve Mastery Learning Goals (Eppich, 2015)
This paper highlights how to structure feedback and debriefing in the context of mastery learning.
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‘The Diamond’: a structure for simulation debrief (Jaye, 2015)
The Diamond Model of debriefing is specifically designed to allow for exploration of the non-technical aspects of medical management.
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Learner-Centered Debriefing for Health Care Simulation Education: Lessons for Faculty Development (Cheng, 2016)
In this paper, we describe how the concept of learner-centered teaching can be applied to debriefing.
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Debriefing as Formative Assessment: Closing Performance Gaps in Medical Education (Rudolph, 2008)
This paper presents a four-step model of debriefing for formative assessment following the debriefing for good judgement method of debriefing.
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The Effectiveness of Video-Assisted Debriefing Versus Oral Debriefing Alone at Improving Neonatal Resuscitation Performance: A Randomized Trial (Sawyer, 2012)
This study compares video-assisted debriefing to oral debriefing alone for neonatal resuscitation.
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Examining pediatric resuscitation education using simulation and scripted debriefing: a multicenter randomized trial (Cheng, 2013)
This study compares video-assisted debriefing to oral debriefing alone for neonatal resuscitation.
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It is time to consider cultural differences in debriefing (Chung, 2013)
This paper highlights how cultural expectations influence the process of debriefing and resultant outcomes.
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Expert Practice of Video-Assisted Debriefing: An Australian Qualitative Study (Krogh, 2015)
This paper describes experts’ views on optimal use of video-assisted debriefing.
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Co-debriefing for Simulation-based Education: A Primer for Facilitators (Cheng, 2015)
This paper describes a conceptual framework and strategies to enhance co-debriefing for healthcare simulation education.
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Debriefing assessment for simulation in healthcare: development and psychometric properties (Brett-Fleegler, 2012)
This paper describes the development and psychometric properties of the DASH (Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare) tool.
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Evolution of the Pediatric Advanced Life Support course: Enhanced learning with a new debriefing tool and Web-based module for Pediatric Advanced Life Support instructors (Cheng, 2012)
This paper describes the incorporation of a scripted debriefing tool into the American Heart Association resuscitation courses.
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Faculty Development for Simulation Programs: Five Issues for the Future of Debriefing Training (Cheng, 2015)
In this paper, we outline five key issues that will be critical address for the future of faculty development for simulation educators.
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Competency-based simulation education: should competency standards apply for simulation educators? (Eppich, 2015)
Here we highlight the importance of faculty development in simulation education, particularly related to competency-based medical education.
BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning Free PDF Altmetric Score Cited By
The Promoting Excellence and Reflective Learning in Simulation (PEARLS) Approach to Health Care Debriefing: A Faculty Development Guide (Cheng, 2016)
This paper serves as a guide for those wishing to teach the PEARLS approach to debriefing to educators within their program.
Clinical Simulation in Nursing
Implementation of an In Situ Qualitative Debriefing Tool for Resuscitations (Mullan, 2013)
This study described the implementation of the clinical debriefing program in a pediatric emergency department.
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Debriefing in the emergency department after clinical events: a practical guide (Kessler, 2015)
This study described the implementation of the clinical debriefing program in a pediatric emergency department.
Pubmed Annals of Emergency Medicine Free PDF Altmetric Score Cited By
Educational opportunities with postevent debriefing (Mullan, 2015)
In this commentary, we describe how clinical events serves as important educational opportunities that can be capitalized on with debriefing.
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Interdisciplinary ICU cardiac arrest debriefing improves survival outcomes (Wolfe, 2014)
This study describe the impact of a data-informed clinical debriefing program on outcomes from pediatric cardiac arrest.
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Post-event debriefings during neonatal care: why are we not doing them, and how can we start? (Sawyer, 2016)
This paper discusses how to implement clinical debriefings in neonatology.
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Research regarding debriefing as part of the learning process (Raemer, 2011)
This paper shares the SIM-PICO approach to designing and debriefing research study.
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Reporting guidelines for health care simulation research: extensions to the CONSORT and STROBE statements (Cheng, 2016)
This study describes the development of reporting guidelines for simulation-based research, including reporting elements for the debriefing process.
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